September 2026 Year 7 Admissions

Please find below the determined admission criteria to be applied to applicants applying for a place at our school during the September 2026 admission round.    Our published admission number is 210.

Admissions for September 2026 primary to secondary transfer are managed by Surrey County Council and not by the school.

Full details are available on their website under Schools and Learning  - Telephone: 0300 200 1004


31st October 2025 - Closing date for secondary school applications

31st December 2025 - Closing date for Supplementary Information Forms to be returned to Sunbury Manor School

3rd March 2026- Secondary school place offers issued

By 17th March 2026 - Parents must confirm or refuse secondary school place offer

After 17th March 2026 - Surrey School Admissions will process late applications received and issue letter of their outcome during the Summer term 

31st March 2026 - All appeals to be lodged before this date

18th June 2024 - All appeals to be heard by this date


In the event that the school is oversubscribed the following criteria will be applied.

September 2026 Admissions Criteria

If your application is to be applied under the following criteria please also complete our Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and return it directly to the school:

Criteria 4 - Children Of Staff

Criteria 5 - Sibling (Past)

September 2026 Supplementary Information Form

Late Applications

Applications received after the Surrey’s published closing date will be deemed as late applications and will only be considered after all those applications received by the published closing date.

Right of Appeal

If the applicant does not receive the offer of a place at the School there is a right of appeal to the Independent Appeal Committee details of which can be obtained from the School or the Surrey County Council Appeals Service - School admission appeals - Surrey County Council (