Examination Information

This part of the website is for students, staff and parents.  It is designed to provide up-to-date information relating to this year’s examinations.  If you cannot find the answer to your question here, please email our Exams Manager, Ms Morrish at the following address:  tmorrish@sunburymanor.surrey.sch.uk or telephone: 01932 766093

Key Stage 3 Examinations (Years 7, 8 & 9)

All students in Key Stage 3 (years 7, 8 and 9) take end of year exams.  Many of these take place in lesson time.  However, to get students used to the procedures used for GCSE exams, exams for core subjects (English, Maths and Science) are taken in the Exams Hall using qualified invigilators and following GCSE regulations.   Timetables for these core exams, together with any other additional information, can be found by clicking on the link for the appropriate year group to the left of this page.

Key Stage 4 Examinations (Years 10 & 11)

Students in Year 10 take all their end of year exams in the Exams Hall for all subjects.  The timetable for these exams can be found by clicking on the “Year 10 Examinations” link to the left of this page.

Students in Year 11 will be issued with an individual GCSE exam timetable in February.  However, a generic timetable for all Year 11 exams can be found by clicking on the “Year 11 Examinations” link to the left of this page.

All students in Year 10 and Year 11 must familiarise themselves with the JCQ exam regulations which are emailed to students in the Autumn term but can also be found by clicking on the “Examination Regulations” link to the left of this page.  This includes the regulations for controlled assessments and non-examination assessments, many of which take place in Year 10.


Examination Boards