Life Skills

Curriculum Intent

Life skills is a subject through which students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives now, and in the future. These skills and attributes help students to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. From making responsible decisions about drugs to succeeding in their first job interview, Life Skills lessons help students to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges, and responsibilities they will face growing up.

Life Skills is particularly important as it covers all the topics that you want your children to know that are not a part of an exam subject. Healthy relationships, positive wellbeing, mortgages, CVs and internet safety are just a few of the topics that are taught. Sunbury Manor wants to stay in line with requirements to prepare our students for all aspects of life. Life Skills contributes to plug the gaps that are left by the exam subjects whilst working closely together with these subjects to ensure cross-curricular links.

In KS3 we cover the statutory requirements for relationship and sex education, which include a range of topics such as: bullying, safety online, consent, safe sex (contraception), sexting and the law and body image. We also cover the statutory requirements for health and wellbeing with topics such as the law and risks associated with drugs and alcohol, puberty, first aid and mental health. Finally, we cover a range of topics that fit within living in the wider world, these include essential life administration skills including budgeting, understanding payslips and criminal law.

In KS4 we continue to cover relationship and sex education but venture in more difficult topics with, revenge porn, sexual harassment and abuse, forced marriages, break ups and understanding the LGBT+ community. We cover financial topics like savings & pensions, social topics that include the UK legal system and electoral systems and many more.

Life Skills is taught in an interactive manner. We believe that the sharing of experiences from teacher and student, and the exchange of opinions is paramount to teaching our students the essentials to be independent and in charge of their own future. Everything is based on resources that will engage students to take charge of their own learning and form well formulated opinions.

Numerous outside agencies are involved in Life Skills, from production teams delivering inspirational plays on mental health and wellbeing, Drugs sense UK delivering powerful talks on the facts and dangers of substance misuse, police officers raising awareness on county lines and crime to mental health professionals leading assemblies on anxiety.

Life Skills and PSHE will provide all students with the essentials they need to continue their life after school. It aims to prepare students in all the different aspects of life from managing finances to practicing safe sex. Life Skills will enable our young people to tackle the future with all its challenges.

Life Skills (including PSHE) Curriculum Plan Overview 2024-2025





Year 7


Relationship, Sex Ed & Living in the Wider World (L2 & 3)


1. Maintaining great friendships and avoiding fallouts.

2. What is stereotyping and why do we do this?

3. What is race and racism?

4. Anti-bullying – how can we reach out to support victims and stop bullies?

Relationship, Sex Ed (L5) & Health & Wellbeing

5. How do we keep safe and positive relationships (on and offline) – online grooming.

6. What are illegal drugs and what harm can they do?

X2 hours

7. What are the harms caused by vaping?



Health & Wellbeing

1. Introduction to mental health issues – depression focus.

2. Dental hygiene

3. Healthy Living – exercise & keeping active.




Health & Wellbeing

4. Puberty – what happens, when & why?

5. Periods what happens, when and why?

6. What is FGM and why is it dangerous



Relationship, Sex Ed

1. Family relationships- the different types and why we don’t always get along.

2.Love and relationships – falling in love and dealing with new feelings.

3. What is my personal identity and why is diversity important?



Living in the Wider World

4. How can we enjoy social media but keep our accounts safe and private?

5. What are wants & needs and why do we need to know the difference?

6. How can we budget our money.


Year 8



Relationship, Sex Ed

1. What is consent & why is it important we know about it?

2. Contraceptives – what are these and how do we use them? X2 hours

3. An introduction to STIs and sexual health – X2 hours


Relationship, Sex Ed

4. What is sexting and why is it so risky to send personal images.

5. What is pornography & why can it be dangerous?

6. Domestic Conflict



Living in the Wider World

1. Internet safety – what is online grooming and why must we be careful.

2. LGBT+ focus on Homophobia

3. Stereotyping, discrimination and prejudice. Teens and the media focus.


Health & Wellbeing

4. What is vaping & is this as bad as smoking?

5. Why do teenage parents have it so tough?

6. Cancer Awareness


Health & Wellbeing

1. How can we look after others and ourselves in an emergency? Personal safety & first aid.

2. How can self-confidence boost our achievements?

3.Emotional literacy



Living in the Wider World

4. Finance – what is income and expenditure?

5. Finance – budgeting and saving personal finances.

6. Careers & Finance what are national insurance and income tax? Reading payslips.


Year 9


Health & Wellbeing (L1)

Living in the Wider World L2)

1. How does knife crime impact our communities, why do teens get involved and what are the consequences? X2 hours


2. County Lines, Gangs, Weapons, Drugs and Risks.

X2 hours



Health & Wellbeing

3. How are we protected from prejudice and discrimination?

4. Mental health – how can I deal with and manage anxiety?

5. Why do people become selfie obsessed & consequences this can have

6. Who are the LGBT+ community & what would they like us to know


Relationship, Sex Ed

1. CSE – how are children and young people lured into dangerous relationships and what do these look like?

2. Body image and the media - focus on girls.

3. Body image and the media – focus on boys.




Relationship, Sex Ed

4. Body image and the media – does the media contribute to eating disorders.

5. What is peer pressure? How can we overcome this?

6. What are domestic violence and abusive relationships?

Healthy & unhealthy relationships.



Health & Wellbeing

L1 & 2 Responsible health choices – blood donation, stem cells, vaccinations (x2hrs)

3. How can we foster Growth Mindset to succeed and achieve.





Living in the Wider World

4. How can we be self-disciplined to achieve our aims at school and in the wider world?

5. What rights do we have as shoppers & consumers?

6. How can I stay financially savvy and avoid debt?



KS4 Life Skills & Citizenship (including PSHE) Curriculum Plan Overview 2024-25







1. How can we manage conflict Successfully?


2. What are forced and arranged marriages and what do we need to know?


3. Harassment and stalking – what are these things and what does the law say about it?


4. Revenge Porn – what is this and how can we prevent ourselves from being victims?


5. Do we have healthy or unhealthy relationships with our role models?


6. Same sex relationships (LGBT+)


7. Gender and Trans Identity LGBT+




1. What is community cohesion and why is this important? (British Values)


2. Why do sexism, gender prejudice and stereotypes still exist?


3. Parenting, the different types and styles and looking after a child.


1.1-Income/ Expenditure/

credit / debt

1.2-Savings &Pensions

1.3-How public money is spent

1.4-Financial products & Service

1.3.1 Public spend discussion Triangle




3.1 - Human rights

3.2-International law

3.3 - Legal systems in the UK




4.1 - Identities in the UK 

4.2 - Citizen contribution

4.3 - Life in Britain test

4.3.1 - Life/Britain Part 2




1. Bullying – Body Shaming


2. Why is it essential we know about consent, rape and sexual abuse?


3. What is a safe sexual relationship?




4. What is Chem Sex and  what

do we mean when we talk

about safe sex?


5. Relationship Break Ups


6. How can we make ourselves and other people feel more positive and why is happiness important?




3.1 -Parliamentary Democracy

3.2 - Free Press

3.3 - Electoral systems

3.4 – The difference           UK vs USA


4.1 - Forms of government

4.2 - UK’s relations with Europe

4.3 - United Nations & the wider world

4.3.1 - UN assessment 


5.1 - What is Employability

5.2 - What is a CV

5.3 - Interview skills