Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

Statement of intent

Sunbury Manor School is committed and focused on ensuring an inclusive approach for students with Special Educational and additional needs. The Learning Support Department is active in promoting strategies and teaching methods to support SEN provisions. We work collaboratively with school staff to identify, assess and develop individualised and mainstream techniques to ensure the progress of all students with SEN and additional needs. From this foundation, key plans and intervention programmes are established to support the learning journey for our students whatever their barrier to learning. In addition, the Department works closely with the highly skilled Pastoral and Safeguarding Team to allow for a collaborative approach to meet the varying needs which may include social and emotional (SEMH) aspects of learning. As a school, this collaborative and inclusive approach spans outside of the school walls, working with outside agencies such as Specialist Teachers for Inclusive Practise (STIPS), Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS), Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Outreach and many more.

The Learning Support Department is equipped to support the needs of the students including a well-resourced physiotherapy room, 1:1 area and a quiet, open plan space to promote a focused environment. The staff working within the Learning Support Department have specialist training in a range of capacities, such as Speech and Language, dyslexia as well as many years of experience in working with students who have specific learning difficulties. The resources in the Department are used effectively with bespoke programmes put in place depending on the needs of the students. This can range from 1:1 or group sessions as well as withdrawal session for extra support for Literacy or Numeracy or other specific needs such as SEMH. Other support includes a lunchtime club; giving students a quiet and friendly environment to complete homework, develop social and communications skills or for a check-in with their key person. Year 7 and 8 students also have the opportunity after school, twice a week to attend Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar ‘SPAG club’. This has proved very beneficial in revising and pre-teaching specific areas of literacy.

The transition process to a new school, as well as from one academic year to the next, can be challenging for students, in particular those with SEN and additional needs. As a school, we are aware that it is best to support students in the transition process as early as possible. We work closely with our feeder schools, coordinate effective practice in school to allow for a clear exchange of information and communication of needs and make extensive plans before the onset of the Autumn Term, so that our students feel enveloped by the support available to them. All of which underpins the supportive, nurturing and inclusive approach at Sunbury Manor School across the whole school but particularly to our students most in need.

Ms Charmaine Moseley - Assistant Headteacher/SENDCo
Email: CMoseley@sunburymanor.surrey.sch.uk

Mrs Liz White - Deputy SENDCo and Head of SLCN Centre

Email: LWhite@sunburymanor.surrey.sch.uk


Disabled Access

The School occupies a site comprising many buildings, most of which were purpose-built for school use, but some before the current disability legislation came into force.

The school has a number of purpose-built disabled toilets and has ramped access to all buildings. Our commitment to tackling disability discrimination, and promoting equality of opportunity, underpins our procedures and planning at all levels.

Surrey County Council - Preparing for Adulthood booklet

NHS - Children with a learning disability

NHS - Dyslexia

NHS - Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Surrey Local Offer - The online hub for 0-25 year olds with special educational needs or a disability